Hugo Soubrier
+ 33 622685242

I want to use data analytics tools to support, improve and facilitate the workflow of epidemiology on the field especially in the context of Emergencies and Response to Outbreaks.

MSc Control of Infectious Diseases
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
2019 - 2020

Multi-disciplinary course aiming at bridging disciplines to study and control infectious diseases.
Merit Distinction - GPA: 4.01/5 (80,2% Upper-First-class honours).

more details

Term 1:

  • Introduction to Disease agents and their control
  • Extended Epidemiology, Basics Statistics for Public Health
  • Health Policy Process and Power.

Term 2:

  • Designing Disease Control Programmes in Developing Countries - group project to design an evidence-based WASH control programme to “ Reduce incidence diarrhoea in children under 5 in Fort-Dauphin, Madagascar"

  • Statistical Methods in Epidemiology - Data analysis: “Does experiencing stigma increase the risk of depression among adolescents living with HIV?” - achieved 4/5

  • Spatial Epidemiology in Public Health - Spatial data analysis: “Descriptive spatial analysis of soil-transmitted helminth infections in Liberian schoolchildren” - achieved 5/5

  • Epidemiology and Control of Communicable Diseases - Disease Outbreak Investigation group project over 2.5 days. - achieved 5/5

Term 3:

  • Advanced Statistical Methods in Epidemiology - data analysis of Low respiratory Tract Infection in Uganda Birth cohort. - achieved 4/5

Master Project: Spatial distribution and environmental factors associated with Anopheles mosquitoes on the Bijagós Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau - achieved 4/5


  • to provide clear mapping of the main mosquito species sampled on 5 islands of Bijagos Archipelago during the dry period (November/December) 2017.

  • to collect, process and map remotely-sensed environmental and climatologic data of interest for the studied islands during the study period.

  • to process and handle epidemiological data collected in 2017.

  • to model the association between mosquito density, epidemiological and environmental variables at each sampling sites.

  • All analyses, maps and data science were performed on R.

BSc Microbiology
Imperial College London
2016 - 2019

The course covered many aspects of biological sciences. Selection of options covering Bacteriology, Virology, and Immunology allowed me to transform it into a Microbiology degree.
Second class Honours (Upper division) - 69%

more details

3rd Year - overall 69%

  • Medical Microbiology - 75%
  • Advanced Topics in Infection and Immunity - 68%
  • Advanced Immunology - 73%

Final Year Project: Investigation of the role of the mucosal antimicrobial response in mosquito infection with malaria parasites. Carried out under Dr. Dina Vlachou supervision at the Vector ImmunoGenomics & Infection Laboratory (VIGILAB) at Imperial College London. achieved 63%

  • dsRNA synthesis for targeted gene silencing
  • handling and breeding of Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes
  • Micro-Injection of dsRNA into living mosquitoes
  • Mosquito dissection, midguts staining and observations under fluorescent microscope
  • Statistical analysis, and graph generation using Prism and R

Assessment based on designing Poster for presentation of research, Research Report ( 6,000 words) and Research Viva (15 min).

2nd Year - overall 69%

  • Applied molecular Biology with Bioinformatics - 67%
  • Genetics with Statistics - 70%
  • Virology - 75%
  • Bacterial Physiology - 60%
  • Immunology - 75%

Tutored Dissertation: consisting of a fully referenced literature review on the topic of Zebrafish’s gut microbiota, an emerging and advantageous model in studying gut-brain axis? - Achieved 76%

Horizons co-curricula optional module on History of Revolutions.

1st Year

  • Biochemistry and Microbiology - 67%
  • Organisms Biology - 75%
  • Cell Biology and Genetics - 69%
  • Evolution and Ecology - 62%
French Baccalaureat - International option
Lycée International de Valbonne
French Scientific Baccalaureat with International Options (OIB)
High Honours - 17,40/20

Research Assistant
Africa Team, Bernhard Nocht Institute of Tropical Medicine
May. 2021 - ongoing

Research Assistant position within the Africa Team. My role was to support the capacity building and research activities going on in Guinea. I also created a R dahsboard and SQL process to visualise / analyse the activities of laboratories. The dashboard also included analysis to follow activities per pathogen for future outbreak response.

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Involved in 5 deployment under GOARN/ WHO to support diagnostic capacity building for EBOV outbreak response in Guinea.

The project partnered with the Laboratoire des Fièvre Hémmoragiques Virales de Guinée (LFHVG), the reference laboratory based in Conakry, the Laboratoire des Fièvre Hémmoragiques Virales de Gueckedou (LFHV-GKD) and the Hopital Régional de N’Zérékoré in the Forest regions of guinea.

The main aim was to train local staff, re-organise & re-structure the laboratories as well as deliver consumables and equipment, with the objective of strengthening the diagnostic activities of Guinea regarding hemorrhagic fevers viruses: EBOV, MARV, LASV, DENV, YFV, CCHFV …

I also conducted some scientific research on surveillance of several pathogens in forest guinea using serology. The work is still ongoing with a publication in scope.

I was involved in the following tasks:

  • Theoretical and practical training of local staff on diagnostics (sample reception, manipulation & inactivation, RNA extraction, Master Mix preparation and qRT-PCR runs on RotorGenes, Analysis of runs and data entry). Enhanced training on Bio-safety and manipulation under the Glovebox.

  • Creation of a full database system for the storage, samples, results and equipment management of the laboratories. The new databases were created according to local staff needs, and was made compatible with a later process of epidemiological/data analysis. Training of the local staff on Excel handling, and data entry.

  • Creation of a complete Dashboard on R shiny to allow visualisation / analysis of all the Laboratory activities. As well as “per pathogen” analysis for future outbreak response.

  • Support various logistic activities related to the project: Shipments, consumables ordering, storage organisation…

  • Writing and Management of several pacckages of documentation to organise the workflow of the laboratory. These included Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Short Working Instructions (SWI), logs and forms. All writtent both in French and English for local staff.

  • Multiple Theoretical training to local staff on: Basics of Epidemiology, Diagnostic laboratory workflow, biosafety, serology, Virology of viruses of forest Guinea, Databases.

  • Multiple Infrastructure and Construction work to improve the workflow and safety in the laboratories. Construction of a one-way system to limit contamination and increase safety at the reception/ inactivation steps.

  • Multiple Electrical work to cope with electrical instability and decrease the laboratories dependence on public electricity. Work on generators and whole-laboratory electrical plans.

  • General work regarding Public relationship in Africa

Research assistant
Nov. 2020 - May. 2021

Research assistant on Lassa fever immunology in humans and rodents for the LAROCS project supervised by Dr. Elisabeth Fichet-Calvet.

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  • Main project was investigating various human samples for IgG and IgM antibodies to assess the potential for urine and saliva fluids in ELISA testing as correlates to classical blood samples.

  • Work in CL-2 lab, with handling and inactivation of potentially infectious humans samples under the Bio Safety Cabinet using protective equipment.

  • Designed and conduct ELISA test for IgG and IgM on +1,300 samples from Guinea and Sierra Leone.

  • Additional ELISA test also performed on animals samples such as whole blood rodents and ovins sera, in order to investigate the agreement between ELISA testing and gold-standard IFA for animal serology.

  • Viral RNA extraction, preparation of MasterMix and q-Reverse-Transcriptase PCR for Lassa Virus detection.

  • Performed descriptive statistical analysis and mapping of study area for publications

The work resulted in a first author publication in Viruses: Detection of Lassa virus-reactive IgG antibodies in wild rodents: validation of a capture enzyme-linked immunological assay

UROP internship
Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Imperial College London
Aug. - Sept. 2018

8 weeks UROP internship in Dr Nick Croucher’s Bacteriology group at St Mary’s Hospital campus of Imperial College London, Departement of Infectious Disease Epidemiology.

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  • Research project focused on the S. pneumoniae competence system.

  • Worked with potentially pathogenic samples in a CL-2 lab

  • Designed and conducted experiments on S. pneumoniae.

  • Site-directed mutagenesis, gene cloning, PCR, preparation and plating of bacteria, colonies counting, handling of protoplasts

  • Produced a detail protocol for the generation of S. pneumoniae protoplasts, and generation of mutated endA gene, for study of competence asymmetry.

Tutoring sessions for Science
All levels - Preparation International Baccalaureate
2016 - 2020

Sharing Knowledge and preparation for the final year exams of French and English: Baccalauréat, A-levels and IB, in Physics-Chemistry, Biology, Geology, and History.

Summer volunteering
South African Game reserve
2014 & 2015

2 x 3 months Summer volunteering to help with animal monitoring and conservation in South African game reserves.

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  • Balule reserve, Kruger National Park and Zululand

  • Help with the conservation of endangered species.

  • Daily tracking, monitoring and identification of the main endangered species in the reserves

  • Handling of animals, and carcasses for hygiene purposes - prevention disease outbreak

  • Soubrier H, Bangura U, Hoffmann C, Olayemi A, Adesina AS, Günther S, Oestereich L, Fichet-Calvet E. Detection of Lassa Virus-Reactive IgG Antibodies in Wild Rodents: Validation of a Capture Enzyme-Linked Immunological Assay. Viruses. 2022; 14(5):993.
  • Koundouno FR, Kafetzopoulou LE, Faye M, Renevey A, Soropogui B, Ifono K, Nelson EV, Kamano AA, Tolno C, Annibaldis G, Millimono SL, Camara J, Kourouma K, Doré A, Millimouno TE, Tolno FMB, Hinzmann J, Soubrier H, Hinrichs M, Thielebein A, Herzer G, Pahlmann M, Ki-Zerbo GA, Formenty P, Legand A, Wiley MR, Faye O, Diagne MM, Sall AA, Lemey P, Bah A, Günther S, Keita S, Duraffour S, Magassouba N. Detection of Marburg Virus Disease in Guinea. N Engl J Med. 2022 Jun 30;386(26):2528-2530.

Specific Skills
  • French : native speaker
  • English : fluent
  • Spanish : very good comprehension and good speaking ability
Data science
General R

Strong R skills for data sciences especially using Pipes and the Tidyverse. Strong experience of R markdown, R shiny, R Blogdown.

Strong R skills for Epidemiology analysis using resources from R4Epi, RECON and Epidemiologist R Handbook packages. I have used R to generate analysis report, graph-making and dashboards for data analysis.


I have been developing a R shiny-dashboard that will act as a platform for our African partners to follow their laboratory activities and generate reports.

See details

This dashboard is a tool developed as part of my activities within the Africa team at BNITM. It could be used by our African partners to filter their databases, visualize their laboratory activities (number and type of sample received, kind and number of tests performed ect…). The dashboard allows the user to export these visualizations as a one-page lab-activities reports for communications to external partners. Finally, the dashboard can be used to focus on pathogen-specific activities, and provide the user with histograms of positives/negative results for specific pathogens tested in the labs. The dashboard also dives into the positives samples by providing a mapping of the positive cases at the sub-prefectural/prefectural and regional levels, as well as a distribution of the Ct-values. This work is still under development but my aim is to make it available to the local partners online. Due to sensitive data, I cannot show this project yet, but I am working on making it neutral and host it on my github for future references. If you are interested, I am more than happy to discuss about it.


Experience of SQL querying especially with postgres SQL. I have used it to as a way of centralising data, and connected my databases to a R shiny dashboard.


Experience of HTML to modify a markdown file, and create websites using R. CSS stylesheet created to customise the Markdown documents, shiny App and website.

Spatial Data science

Strong R skills for spatial displaying, and analysis, including use and analysis of remote-sensing data.

Other Softwares

Very Good understanding of ArcGIS, QGIS, GeoDa and SatScan used in several projects.


Used for final map-making refinements.

Other Softwares of Interests
  • ODK/Enketo for questionnaire designing
  • Basics phylogenetics analysis using BEAST and associated softwares (Beauti, Tracer, FigTree…)
  • Sequence visualiser softwares: ARTEMIS / Snap Gene

Diplomas & Trainings

EM Laboratory Training Certificate

One week training for deployment under European Mobile laboratory

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  • Theoretical and practical training for on-site deployment of the European Mobile laboratory.
  • setting up field Rapid response diagnostics laboratory
  • Setting up and work under Gloveboxes for Class-4 pathogen handling
  • Diagnostic Laboratory workflow: Sample reception, inactivation, extraction, MasterMix and qRT-PCR, data validation entry and reporting.

Mandatory Online Certificates for deployment under WHO/GOARN:

see list of certificates
  • GO certificate for Ebola response
  • Serve with Pride
  • Prevention of Harassment and Abuse by UN personnel - Working harmoniously
  • UN Human Right Responsibilities
  • GOARN tier 1 course

Online training for Ethic Research - LSHTM

Short online course, with online examination about the Ethics in Science, with a emphasis on Epidemiological research. Resulted in a Certificate of Ethics Research.

GIS course - LSHTM

participated in short-course on the introduction to GIS and Spatial Analysis, using ARC-GIS.

LonWHO 2019

3 days WHO Health Assembly simulation conference. Themed on “Conflict and Health”. Represented the pharmaceutical company PFIZER, which approval was required for countries resolution. Lobby work to ensure the company interest are reflected in resolutions tackling health aspects in conflict zone. The conference gave a great understanding of diplomacy, and global health governance.


Captain of IC Fencing Men’s second Team.

  • 16 years of Fencing, participated in National and International competitions (France).

  • Member of IC Fencing team 3 years in a row, winners of 2018 South-Eastern Conference Cup and South-Eastern 2A league, got promoted to South-Eastern 1A league.

  • Organisation of Trainings and Travels.

International Open Water PADI license. 25+ scuba diving and nocturnal divings.

Amateur of sailing, freediving and spearfishing.

Historical, Geographic, Philosophical and Scientific readings.